If you’ve never worked on a remote team before you may have a lot of questions like how to introduce yourself to a new team remotely. There are also a lot of misconceptions about remote work. One myth is that it’s difficult to collaborate or be creative when your fellow employees are not in an office with you. We're very proud to be a remote office that prioritizes collaboration, creativity, and a healthy work-life balance. As a team that is currently spread out across three states—Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan—we're always looking for innovative ways to build our company culture and connection, despite our physical distance. Here's a look at some of the ways we got to know each other, trained together, and had fun while residing in separate states. We also get together in person from time to time, most notably at our annual retreat. Getting to Know Each OtherOne of the ways we build a culture of caring and purpose is by creating ongoing opportunities to nurture relationships with each other. Some of the ways we do this include: Two Truths and a Lie - This game is a favorite among our team, and has revealed some very interesting tidbits over the years! For example, one of our team members is a master knitter, one of them has performed off-Broadway, and one has lived in South Africa. Coworker Feud, Ice Breakers, and Check-in Questions - We weave check-in questions into our team meetings and regular team building activities. Past questions we've used have included: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? And, how are you showing up today (what are your access needs)? Games like Coworker Feud add a bit of competition to get-to-know-you time. We also do pronoun rounds. Secret Santa / Secret Mensch - We do this each year for our holiday gift-giving, and gift-givers and recipients both get to learn about each other. The gift giver gets to learn a lot about their fellow team member’s fandoms, hobbies, and favorite treats, while the giftee is sometimes on the receiving end of a gift-giver’s secret talents and handmade creations. Bringing Your Whole Self to Work - Our team is made up of interesting people who do amazing things both within SBS and outside as well. We've got actors, poets, yoga teachers, a professional opera singer, a playwright, avid travelers, and more! We are intentionally cultivating a work environment that empowers us to be good people, parents, and creatives. Employees have the flexibility to take care of their kids and their health, knowing that other people on our team have their back. When team members have opportunities to feed their creativity outside of work, they also bring that creativity into their work for clients. Solving Problems TogetherWe've also employed a lot of fun online strategies to build our creative and collaborative muscles by engaging in problem-solving activities. Some of our favorites from 2022 have included: Virtual Escape Rooms and Murder Mysteries - We LOVE virtual escape rooms, and – dare we say it – we're pretty darn good at them too. This year, we not only participated in a murder mystery party, we also stopped an art heist. Escape Rooms are the perfect way to develop collaborative problem solving skills and appreciate how our different approaches to challenges are a strength. Team Knowledge Shares and Collaborative Sessions - Because our team has such a wide range of specialization areas and digital media know-how, We regularly schedule time for each team member to share out on a topic or area of expertise. This not only provides an opportunity for a team member to teach and develop their presentation skills, but also benefits everyone else because we get to gain new skills that we can infuse into our work. It’s also a great way to know who to send a Slack message to if you have a question about a specific topic. We’ve also carved out time to experiment with and collaborate on new tech platforms, new types of creative, and to discuss tech trends. A Culture of Purpose - We strive to do meaningful work that creates positive impacts on our communities. We often reflect on ways that we see this in the work that our clients are doing. We’ve started a book club to discuss social impact and sustainability topics. Each employee is given 8 hours of paid volunteer time per year, which we’ve collectively used for blood drives, PTA activities, coaching youth, and assisting with fundraisers. We donate consulting time every month for nonprofits and faith communities. And we keep brainstorming ways to increase our impact. Relaxing + Promoting a Work-Life BalanceWhen everyone’s busy with new projects, it’s nice to get together to talk, craft, or hang out. Here are some of the ways we've relaxed together in recent years: Arts and Crafts - We are a crafty bunch at SBS, and we're always looking for ways to engage in creative play together. We’ve taken workshops on watercolors, made mini terrariums, decorated coaster keepsakes for one another, and built gingerbread structures (including an incredibly impressive football stadium). IRL fun - Occasionally we get together in person, most notably at our annual retreat. When we’re on retreat, we take time to brainstorm and reflect, as well as spend some time just having fun—whether that’s playing mini golf, sharing some dinner, or going on a wine walk (the wine is optional). Virtual Tours and Info Sessions - During the pandemic, we visited some new places together online. Two of our favorite events from that time were a virtual guided tour of Paris and a visit with a Zookeeper to learn all about foxes. Celebrate! - We’ve had a lot to celebrate in the past few years, including new babies, engagements, weddings, birthdays, and more! We take surprising our coworkers pretty seriously, whether it’s with a care package, a flower bouquet, or a get together. Taking Breaks - Because we work hard to champion our clients and help them meet their goals, sometimes we need a friendly reminder to take a break. We worked together to create an “it’s okay to…” list that includes notes-to-self like: “It’s okay to take a walk outside in the middle of the day.” We look forward to another year serving our mission to make our clients shine brighter in the digital space, as well as our vision to create happier, healthier, and more inclusive communities. We encourage you to learn more about our team and consider joining our growing group!
With over 20 years experience, Genevra’s expertise as a writer and editor includes social media copywriting, B2B/B2C marketing and advertising, blog and website content development, fundraising messaging, e-learning storytelling, personal branding, and curriculum design. Their journalism and essays have appeared in CMA Today, Time Out Chicago, the Chicago Red Streak, and Haymarket Books. Her playwriting work has been published by Playscripts, Hope & Nonthings, and Commonplace Books. In their free time, Genevra works on racial and social justice initiatives in her hometown of Evanston, IL. She also enjoys exploring Wisconsin, visiting historical sites, and hiking in state and national parks! (she/they)
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